Monday, June 9, 2014

Tom's View - Part 2

Sandy tells me that a picture is worth a thousand words.  Well then, the last posting of pictures is worth many thousands.  One would think that is enough, but being a lawyer . . . well, enough said!  Here are a few more words.

Da Bears are amazing animals.  We watched them interact, and it was great fun.  At first, there were two bears both grazing in the grass and gradually getting closer.  Finally, one started running at the other one, who ran away.  Then they both stopped, and the "lead" bear stopped with this pose like: "Here I am, you done or not?"  Looking back all the time.  They played cat and mouse for a while, and finally the pursuer turned and went the other way, and the bear in front dropped to the ground, apparently exhausted from having run a good 30-40 yards.  Life is good on the "tundra" when all you do is eat and wait for the salmon run, when you eat even more.

Our cabbie, Joey, tells us that spring bears are pretty skinny but better tasting (really, they eat bears here?), but fall bears are not as good tasting but fatter.  If 30 yards of running wears you out, I'm thinking by fall you are going to be pretty plump.

Speaking of Joey, we learned that you can sign up for a lot of quotas here.  Two bears a year, a "sow" (female bear) every other year, etc.  Oh, and best of all - you can sign up for the "Road Kill" list.  He says that when it's your turn, they call you and whatever is "on the road" is yours.  But whatever, you have to clean it up.  Gee, where do I sign up?


  1. I think I might be part bear! So funny!!! Sounds like you to are having a blast. I guess there is no worry that you will be eaten by a bear. Joey needs a snappy rating system for his Haute Cuisine. Love reading both of your blogs. :)

    1. Hey sissy,,glad u are enjoying the blog. We are having an awesome time. Today was crazy...Tom and I now think we are expert moose hunters. Not certain if we can come back to Indiana after all this excitement.
