Sunday, June 8, 2014

Tom's View

Day 3.  Three days since we left Indy, and at least that many stops at Starbucks.  (You may recall that for Sandy's blog for our trip to Switzerland her first picture was at a Starbucks.)  Here in Homer, we have become the taxi company's biggest customer - we're fast friends with Jake and Joey, the cabbies.  Joey picked us up at the airport and after a brief stop to drop off our bags, he took us to the Salty Dawg Saloon.  Every square inch of wall, ceiling, post, you name it, is covered with $1 dollar bills.  Sort of sets the tone for our stop here.

Hardest part of the trip so far has been getting used to the 4 hour time difference.  That alone would not be so bad, but combine that with sunrise being at 3:30 am and sunset being at 12:30 am (yes, am), it gets to be quite confusing when you wake up at what you think is 7 am, and it makes sense until you find it's really 3 am and the sun is starting to rise.

As Sandy said, we did go foraging for moose yesterday.  Can't be much fun to be a moose.  First, you have that funny name.  Then you stand around in 2 feet of marsh to eat.  On the other hand, we had an excellent breakfast of smoked salmon (surprise there) and cream cheese in a nice little bakery called Moreau Bakery.

The Time Bandit
Then off to Halibut Cove.  On the way out of the harbor we went by the Time Bandit - a fishing boat that is one of the "stars" of the TV series "Deadliest Catch".  That show takes place a few hundred miles west of here at Dutch Harbor in the Western Aleutian Islands.


  1. The Time Bandit? I would hardly use quotations when calling the vessel a star. It is a star! That's really cool. Did it smell like six men who had not showered for two months and smelly fish? Do you know if the vessel was there for tourists or on a stopover from a recent outing? My Jason would think it really cool you saw the boat because he loves the show. Glad you two are there and having fun...and who really needs any sleep? Though that would be really strange to have three hours of darkness. Keep up the good work on the posts but let's get some shots with the travelers next time. I actually want to see Tom viewing his view :)

  2. I am so enjoying your Alaska adventures. You both have such talent with writing and I almost feel I am there. I love your humor and excellent photography. Thanks for taking us along! Love, Aunt Faye
