Monday, June 16, 2014


I get up this morning and discover that we have a brief internet connection.  It's Monday morning.  We boarded the boat on Friday evening.  Since then we have become acquainted with the other 18 passengers (which are comprised of two large families).  We have spotted over 20 whales (two of them were so close to the boat we heard them surface before we turned around and saw them).  We saw a magnificent glacier with icebergs all around the area and on many of the icebergs were seals and their baby cubs. While we were at the glacier it calved (meaning a part of it fell off into the sounded like thunder and the waves rocked our skiff boat). Yesterday Tom and I kayaked around a cove with a spectacular waterfall and we even managed a hike in the afternoon.  Also, anyone who dared could "take the Polar plunge", which means we could jump off the boat into the freezing water.  About six people did...including me.  I thought I was going to get a free t-shirt (but no such luck).  It was refreshing and absolutely, shockingly cold.  My body felt covered in pins and needles.  Tom took pictures, but now tells me the memory card wasn't in the camera, so we have no hard evidence.  He thinks I'm going to recreate the moment, but I'm thinking he should take the plunge next time there is an opportunity. 
Seals on Iceberg

Our boat in front of a glacier

Cove with hundreds of sea lions

Whale sighting (the elusive "whale tail" photo op everyone on board is seeking)

1 comment:

  1. Wow! 20 whales, amazing! I can't believe you took the Polar Plunge. Brrrr. I vote for a re-creation for the picture! Sounds like you guys are having a blast. I love all the photos. I can't believe the tail of the whale is that big. Awesome.
